porbably one of the best game on the ps2 console ever.
ok so here it goes.
the game MIND-BLOWING. probably everyone who has played the game would agree (unless ur a retard or a peace loving freak) that this is one of the best action adventure game on the playstation.
Once you start playing u get addicted and fruststed with it at the same time.frustated because u just cant seem to figure out how to befeat that ugly ,huge boss!
the gameplay is probably the second hrdest of all the games i have played with DMC3's dante must die, the hardest.the god mode is almost unplayable unless u figured out a foolproof strategy.
but seriously the gameplay, the storyline, the graphics, the soundtrack everything is brilliant in this game.
the only point that i didnt like about this game was the lack of real boss battles.apart from hydra the only real bosses u face are the titan minotaur and aries himself.but u do face wave after wave of relentless normal enemies that almost compensate for it.
so finally if u havent played this game, save up dude.