An original epic masterpiece, definatley worth buying...................................................................

User Rating: 9 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
God of war is a razor of splendor that swoops down to the gaming indrustry and shaves the long repetative facial hair of all things boring or unoriginal. From the minuite you pick up the control, you will be opened to a new level
of gaming from the likes of which you have never seen before. You are kratos. A total hardcore gangster from the Streets of Greece, who has but one mission, kill the god of war. As you start the game, you are armed with the blades of chaos. Troughout the game you will aquire red, blue and green orbs. Green restores health, blue retores magic that can be used to exicute sweet special attacks, and red orbs that can be used to juice up your weapons.
The graphics are eccelent from the buildins to the blood.
The satisfying sound of Kratos ripping enemys to shreads is fluid and real.
And the gameplay is an aresonal of awesome moves you can use to hack your enemys to ribbons.

As awesome as this game is, its got some downs as well.
The features a rather vast amount of gore and nudity, and the game doesnt go to a very decent length. Its a pretty short game.

But even after you have completed the story, there are still plenty of god challenges and a god mode for you to blister your fingers on.
If your looking for an original game with a decent price tag, check out god of war. Or if youde rather wait, the second god of war comes out in 07.