It's like Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks meets Prince of Persia. How can you possibly go wrong?!
User Rating: 9.6 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
Of all of the action adventure games that I've played for the PS2 I've never played one as good as God of War. For the longest time I've been playing between; Shadow of the Colossus, MK: Shaolin Monks, and Marvel Alliance waiting for somthing to come up the pike that didn't take me two days to beat and was so easy it made me want to barf. Not that the previously mentioned games were easy. (Especialy MK: Shaolin Monks, Shao Khan was hell.) God of War has everything, graphics (if that really makes a game for you), gameplay, sound, replay value, I mean everything. The gameplay can be thrown aside as simply button mashing, but I think this is a harsh generalization. If you go through that game simply attacking aimlessly hitting the same buttons over and over you aren't going to get very far. The combo system and the air combat system are extremely reminiscent of Shaolin Monks and are executed almost identically. The only thing missing is an over the top finishing move. The differant weapons you acquire are powerful but slower then the Chaos Blades so you may end up going back to them. The different magic abilities are easy to forget sometimes since it's easy to get caught up in slashing the living crap out of everything. But every spell serves a purpose and can be devastating in it's own way. The voice acting is very good compared to most games, Linda Hunt does a great job as the narrator. The soundtrack is fabulous and adds a great deal to the atmosphere with it's epic John Williams like score. The replay value is quite frankly on the addicting side since slicing and dicing with the blades of chaos is just so freaking fun. This game is a must for anybody looking for a great adventure game with a crap load of eye candy to boot.