Just as i thought, Best Combat gameplay but worst story from all GOW series.
Story is really disapointed it has nothing connected with the others GOW, even in GOW Chain Of Olympus we killed Hades wife and he mentioned that we killed his wife in III, we chained Atlas holding the world and in II we faced him again, these kind of things that this game has no connection from the others.
and the bosses and the enemys are 100% new except cyclops, and here you will not see a greek methology, there is alot animals beasts, includes midusa looks like beast not like III.
Graphics in my opinion is not better then III, its like 10% less, in example in III when we catch midusa kratos slice her body and she escape but while we slice her we can see a long scares, but in ascention we dont see a scares while kratos slice her.
Multiplayer is just fun to play but its not to play all they day like when we play FPS online game.
after alot of complaining about this game ive enjoyd it like all GOW Series i recommend this game like all GOW but just to have fun not to know whats gonna happend in the story.