Amazing i love gameplay better then ghost of sparta but not better in story

User Rating: 10 | God of War: Chains of Olympus PSP
This game is amazing, i really never imaginate that one day i could play these kind of game on portable.
well i loved chain of olympus more then ghost of sparta, the gameplay has good magic powers and great moves and great powers, comparing with ghost of sparta has descusting magic.
the story is boring,you must save hellios from atlas and atlas escaped from the chain prison, the wife of hades helped him to escape to help her to destroy the world holder tower and destroy the entire world, here you will face 4 boses and here when you kill hades wife, and you put atlas holding the world on his shoulder.but ive enjoyed the bosses here more then other GOW game.
comparing ghost of sparta story is the best story of all GOW game.
everyone know that we dont need to read a review of any GOW...............