This game is among the best I've ever seen on the PSP.
Negatives: A bit repetitive at times, Too short.
As someone who has never played God of War before, the quality of this game blew me away. Seriously, this was one of the most ambitious games I had ever played on the PSP, a system that I had not seen pushed to this point until now. The game treats its story and game play with care and detail, and the effort put in by Ready At Dawn Studios is visible in the final product.
The story has Kratos attempting to, briefly put, return the sun to the sky, and also attempting to reunite with his deceased daughter. Although some have criticized the story, which does have its weak points, I found some parts of it to be engaging and resonant. Of course, the story comes second to the combat, which is fun to use, and suffers little from the PSP's button layout. In fact, the only problems with the game is that sometimes it can become repetitive (kill, kill, kill, cutscene, kill) and that the adventure is over too soon. Or it just seems that way because of how sucked into the game I was.
Basically, this is an essential game for any PSP owner, as it pushes the system to new heights.