It's really God of War on the go!
User Rating: 9 | God of War: Chains of Olympus PSP
I was a bit skeptical when I learned God of War was going to the PSP. Ready at Dawn has simply done a fantastic job with the franchise while bringing it to the PSP. It is God of War that we know and love to go. The magic, the combo system, a good story, the stunning graphics, and lots of extra stuff (challenge of the gods, videos, alternate costumes, etc) are all there. Sure there might be less boss fights, fewer puzzles, and a slightly shorter campaign. However, it is stunning the developers fit as much as they did to a UMD that barely fits 2GBs of data (the GOW games were pretty much 9GBs of data). Even better, the loading is virtually nonexistent You'll notice a split delay between game play and cut-scene but for the most part the game is streaming much like the PS2 games. I am satisfied with the game. In fact, I hope Sony Santa Monica follow in Ready at Dawn's footsteps and move the evade from R3 to a either L1+L3 or L1+R1+R3 (freeing L3 for something like slight camera control or extra moves) Likewise, I really liked assigning magic to the face buttons (which makes things more seamless and again, frees the D-pad for something else like switching alternate weapons on the fly).THe restictions on the PSP really streamlined the GOW controllers. In closing, God of war Chains of Olympus is a great game to own and you should not miss out. if you've not played a god of war game before this might even get you playing 1 and 2 (which are still two of my favorite games on the PS2).