Kratos make a near perfect launch to the psp.

User Rating: 9.5 | God of War: Chains of Olympus PSP
Alright some thought it couldnt work that it wasnt possible but it is.God of War on the psp just simply rules.Now it not the best god of war game and it doesnt do anything new or revolutionary to the series like god of war 2 did but it still rules.First off the story is basically what happens after kratos kills his wife and child and before the events that take place in the original god of war.Now the story in this game isnt as strong or mytholgic as the other two but its still great with great cutscenes especially for one towards the end.The games ending doesnt answer everything we would like to know but you would probably expect that since the game taks 5-7 hours to complete first time through.The gameplay is pretty much if you took god of war and brung it to the psp which is great which you get magic new abilities and rip apart enemies with your blades of chaos.This time though you only get two weopons in the entire game which seems like a step down since we got like 4 new weopons in god of war 2.The second weopon you get is the gauntlet of zeus whis this big gloden glove thing that you charge up and hit people with whis is fun but the blades of chaos are still # 1.The graphics are absolutely amazing.The best looking handheld game ever just look at it and you will see.The music in this game is still great though heavily relies on old tracks from god of war 1 and 2 but there are some new tracks.When you beat God of war you get some unlockables which dont feel as great as the first two in fact if you dont include the credits or cutscenes you can watch the videos in the treasures menu in less than 10 minutes which seems dissapointing but the replay mode which is basically like the one in god of war 2 and god mode save it and it give a shot to go through it a second or third go.So chains of olypus isnt the best god of war game yet but it is the best psp game yet and should be checked out if you own one and are a fan of the original.
Best psp game yet.