Probably one of the best PSP games ever and since there ain't many good PSP games this makes up for it.

User Rating: 8.5 | God of War: Chains of Olympus PSP
another one of Sony's great exclusives its a bit short but you'll most likely want to do it more than once im already on my second run through. you once again play as Kratos the ghost of sparta who carries the dual swords which are chain like and r lit with fire when swung. But through the game you will find other weapons and equipment such as the gaunlet and the fire sheild which will help u on your quest. The graphics on the other hand are nice and clear jus like they should be and the controls are perfect. There is no dodgy camera angle so you won't be bashing the screen in because u can't see the enemy lol. overall this is one of the finest PSP games and should remembered well by PSP owners not including God of war fans. my final rating is 8.5. Reason being is that it is a little too short rougly 4-6 hours maybe longer if u play it on God mode and that most of the moves feel exactly the same as the other god of war titles.