GOW collection is a great remastering of two superb games.
I played bouth GOWs before and I finished the second one and played the first one until the second half of the game.So I was really excited to remmember my good times while playing them with HD upgrade and right before playing GOW III.First I must say that the HD resolution makes bouth games look better however they look old in some moments but still the art design and Scale (specialy in GOW II) are outstanding.Also the superb soundtracck make them epic and exciting just like before. Super awesome Kratos and a lot of nice characters make the excellent story of these games enjoyable. Some ingenious puzzle designs are here that we probably rarely see in modern games.Also violent action that almost every modern Hack N slash game try to be like it, is present here and tons of entertaining boss fights make it even better. At the end this collection is a must have for the people who haven't played it before and even though I wouldn't recommend it for the players of the these games, still ther are a lot of exciting and highly entertaining hours for them to spend here before God of War III.
Final Score:9/10