Better then chain of olympus here you can find why kratos decide to kill the gods in 2
i love chain of olympus but this one is alot better and the story is owsome.
here you can find the truth about kratos brother deimos, the truth is you thought that deimos is dead but after you descoverd that he still alive kratos start searching for him.
there more secrets that you should descovered after you play it thats way i really recommend you to boy this game.
the story is about after god of war 1 after you kill ares. and here you will see how kratos got the scars in his right eye since he was a kid
the game play is great there is alot new move and better then 3, about the weapons and magic i didnt like its very weak ive just used the blade of chaos.
there is new mode called the temple of zeus. the temple is full of cristal and you should buy it with red orbs you will need over 1.000.000 orbs to buy them all the cristal contain videos costume gallery modes.
and you can play cmbat arena.
enjoy it