Well worth your time.
I was new to this series so i didnt know fully what to expect. I just went with what people had been saying. Most reviews rated god of war 1 high, so i decided that god of war 2 was a definite but for me.
Action is thrown right in your face as soon as you begin the main story. You get a superb feeling of power when you fight as kratos. The moves he can perform are utterly amazing. And just when you thought they couldnt get any better, the moves can be upgraded. It the combat system which is one of the most impressive features here.
Aswell as 'in your face' action, god of war 2 requires you to work out challening but not overly challenging puzzles. They arent puzzles which make you feel frustrated like alot of games. These puzzles are actually like an interlude, right after some raw fighting action.
The game looks pretty special. This game came out when the nxt generation consoles were really taking off. But god of war 2 shows that the PS2 is still capable of bringing such gorgeous looking graphics.
The sound is also very impressive. Not an aspect which will stand out from everything else hut still good. The soundtrack is very 'epic' sounding and the satysfying sounds of your sword slashing enemies to pieces is a really nice effect.
You have to buy this game. Whether your new to the series or not. Its very energetic and a game which make you wonder of the PS2 can cope with such an astoningishly excellent game. Not far off from perfect, this is well worth your time.