This game wins the title of game of the year!

User Rating: 9 | God of War II PS2
Sometimes, I like to go on my Playstation 2 and hack and slash with mind blowing, bone crushing attacks. If this thrills you, God of War is the one you should buy for your Playstation 2. So what makes this game so intense, you ask?

STORY: After Kratos defeats Ares "The God of War", Kratos becomes the new God of War. Destroying the cities that despised Kratos, Kratos's power went to his head. Everyone knew the army of Kratos "Spartan". After destroying so much, Kratos decided to go and destroy Olympus. While Kratos fights for his life, Zeus comes down and gives Kratos a powerful sword, "The Blade of Olympus". This sword contains Zeus' powers and now has Kratos' power too. After defeating his enemies, Kratos drops the blade. Kratos is weak and vulnerable in the eyes of death because he preserved his godly powers into the blade. Trying to retrieve the blade, Zeus arrived and accused Kratos of betraying him. What Zeus didn't see, was that he betrayed Kratos too. Zeus grabbed the sword and stabbed Kratos in the stomach. Descended to the underworld, Kratos' guardian Gaia healed his wounds and sent him back to earth. Now Kratos has one goal, to reach the temple of "Sisters of Fate", go back in time when Zeus betrayed him and kill him. If you want to find out more, play the game. This story won't make much sense, if you don't experience it for yourself.

DESIGN: The design of the previous game, blew gamers away. In God of War II, it's even better. The controls are just right, but the left analog stick is still used for dodging. This is inconvenient, because it is more difficult to control. What I didn't like about GOW II is that you can't control your camera angle. Unlike any other game, the camera pans and tilts on it's own. This sometimes might not show you your path to a secret passage leading to a chest, but the basic controls are still great and you'll get the hang of it later on. Your action button is R1 instead of what would normally be triangle. This is better and more comfortable. Sometimes you will try to open a door and have to tap the circle button repeatedly. This is tiring, but easy.

GAMEPLAY: The gameplay is terrific. This game provides you with seventy different options in defeating an enemy. One of the main benefits of this game, is the combo battle system. With every hit against an enemy, you gain hit points that build up to a combination attack, which deal excessive damage. The battle combinations are original and massive, making the battle more enjoyable. One of your goals in the game, is to chests sorted in type by color, containing additional health and magic items, as well as red orbs. Plain chests contain secret items that will benefit you later in the game. The money system is very simple. Throughout the game, you will collect red orbs which give you the option of upgrading your weaponry or magic ability. These orbs represent income. Later in the game you will retrieve the range of titan, which increases your strength, magic ability and capability when in battle. In the range of the titan mode, you are given the option of using different combos against enemies and creatures. Another benefit of this game, is that you can retrieve different items and weapons from defeated bosses you will encounter in the game.

All of these are factors in the making of a successful and enjoyable such as God of War II.

STORY: 8.0

TOTAL: 9.0