Intense, engaging and over the top, the PlayStation 2's swan song is as nearly perfect as they come.
Presentaion: A fantastic story with great voice acting, tons of extras and unlockables and more 9.5/10
Graphics: It simply does not get any better.10/10
Sound: God of War's score was flawless, and the sequel is a perfect follow-up. Oscar worthy to be sure.10/10
Gameplay: It's more of the same, but that's exactly what we wanted. Can action gaming actually get too much better on next-gen systems? 9.5/10
Lasting Appeal: A dozen or so hours on your first time through is reasonable, but going back at the higher levels and finding all the extra goodies will take you a long, long time. Tons of bonus modes too. 9/10
Overall: 10/10
My Verdict: BUY IT!...NOW