Simply put God of War 2 is magical. I will admit a little bloody at times. Yet, if you are like me, you love the over-the-top blood and violence. Starting with the graphics, which is obviously the first thing you take note of, they are vastly superior to the first. Mostly to the credit to many of the new artists they hired for the studio. The soundtrack and sound is just sweet. Even if you don't like the game or don't get into games you have to love the music in both the games. It brings out the feelings of the story like nothing else could. You feel like your watching a long adventure movie where you are the star. Gameplay is just as perfect if not better than the first game. There are many improvements. You can move faster, Kratos is much more powerful, at least at the beginning and end of the game. The difficulty is for the most part just right. Except for a few instances where you encounter both a battle and a puzzle at the same time on Titan(Very Hard) mode. As for the ending, let me tell you I was on the edge, it is pretty awesome, definitly leaves something to be desired, they are setting up for the final one. But don't worry it is not half as bad as the Halo 2 ending. Finally I want to congratulate everyone who has already defeated GOW2 on Titan mode, and to everyone who hasn't played and wants to play it grab it as fast as you can.
Strengths: Intense and exciting combat; New weapons and magic keep things interesting; Some of the best boss fights ever seen in action games; Amazing graphics; Absolutely beautiful CG cut scenes; Great voice acting & su... Read Full Review
Games can never be perfect. But if there was one game that would come close to perfection, it would be God of War 2 (GOW2). Picking up from where the first game left off, you are once again the anti-hero that you love ... Read Full Review