This series of god of war 1 and 2 is my all time favorite. The graphics may not be great but the max it out on the ps2. The fighting is non stop and all the differnt ways that u can kill the enimies is really cool. This is the best game to play when your really pissed off and just want to beat the crap out of a load of people. The violence makes this title so good because the array of enemies goes from bugs to giant stone minotaurs . This is a must buy game for all fans of the first god of war.
Strengths: Intense and exciting combat; New weapons and magic keep things interesting; Some of the best boss fights ever seen in action games; Amazing graphics; Absolutely beautiful CG cut scenes; Great voice acting & su... Read Full Review
Games can never be perfect. But if there was one game that would come close to perfection, it would be God of War 2 (GOW2). Picking up from where the first game left off, you are once again the anti-hero that you love ... Read Full Review