ok so far this is one of the best games i have ever played for the PS2

User Rating: 9.6 | God of War II PS2
Okay so the gameplay is really freaking sweet but repetitive but the repetitivness makes it pretty sweeto because after a while u learn how to use the repetitivness to your advatage which indoubt makes the fighting better overall. Also the grapples are so much better because one u get orbs no matter what and two they look a lot cooler especally when u freaking rip ppl in half with you bare hands. also the cooler grapples means cooler boss fights. Rage of the Titans is a lot better because one its stronger and two u cant be budged and have cooler combos. fwahigagades. the graphics are so much better than the first game overall i can tell u that much but other than that nothing much to say about graphics. now the pretty much the same as the last game but the music is better and guess what you can hear the flame headed pesants of hades scream as they get there head snatched right off there shoulders. ...................................NO SEX MINI GAME FOR THE THIRD...............................