Blows your mind Away!!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.4 | God of War II PS2
What a beautiful game i never thought a sequel could be this good i've played god of war and i personally loved it very much but this game is far more better than the prequel the animation for kratos was sleek and smooth and the graphics were top notch .during the Pegasus game play the sun almost blinded me who knew ps2 can handle the bloom effect beautifully ,as far in the graphics section the game rules all those jerky animations from god of war 1 are totally gone and i think gow 2 is far more better than any next gen games. the game was truly a roller coaster ride and there wasn't even a dull moment in the game ,the puzzle were intelligently planned and were beautifully implemented. as far as the game play is concerned it is also truly top notch even though it is a bit button mashy but it is what makes god of war a truly pure unadulterated fun and a great experience .and of course the story and the plot all fits together like that of a beautifull puzzle and the cut scenes are great and are very good in telling the story of the game this is a flawless game and i wish the developers could bring gow3 for ps2 after it had been released .