God of War 2 is an awesome game that improve much more since the first game with action and grapics
God of War 2 is a game that improve much more than the first, the game game-play is improve with new areas that the game never have to load and the puzzles of the game is no challenge that will take only few minutes to see what to do and the game feels long but it is pretty short if you put time in to it. The Graphics is an improvement as it shows great texture to the backgrounds, the cut scene and through the game and the sound is amazing with the music and it voice acting that has good motives to the characters that you are to see in this game.If you are a serious gamer you will spend more hours to the game unlocking bonus costumes and evening playing on Titan mode it will be a challenge as the enemy's will attack more often and tougher as you will get less orbs and it will take time as you play. God of War 2 improve as you will face more boss than the first game that only has 3 bosses and its not only monsters you will face, but you will face Greek Mythology Hero and other characters like Theseus, Perseus, and Icarus. The best part of the game is the start of the were you are been chase by the Colossus of Rhodes and overall, God of War 2 is a game that shouldn't be miss as it is one of the last great games for the Playstation 2.