God of War 3 easily has my all-time favorite game start, starting exactly from where the 2 ended, has a breathtaking start to the breath and with an epic boss right out of the face, showing all the power of Ps3 , of course the game is impressive graphically, it is beautiful the visual of the characters and the level of detail of the scenarios, the soundtrack is incredible and the Boss Fight is what the game has the best, all are high level, highlight for the first one, which is more or less in the middle of the game against a Titan and the last one that simply represents the end of the revenge of Kratos, the game does not have a narrative as well as 1 and 2, it serves more as a part 2 of God of War 2, all you need to know is there, and this worked for me, it's a game that represents the battle of Titans vs Gods and there's no need to have many dialogues, just destruction and death, less jigsaw puzzles and I missed it a lot in the game and made it difficult but it has the traditional part of the game that are very complicated, the game can make the player stay without blinking eyes in practically the whole game, taking some parts that the pace is slow, the game is less than the predecessors, but still the traditional part of the game are very complicated, gameplay it is still better compared to its predecessor and the end of the game even being a bit quick in some things is satisfactory and ends this saga in the Greek world the way it deserves. Note 96
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