Go big or go home! Well GOW3 went massive! Excellent gameplay, brilliant graphics, and unforgettable moments!

User Rating: 10 | God of War III PS3
From the start of the game you are thrust into battle, and the game's sense of scale immediately dawns on you. The action picks up quickly and you hardly have time to take in the scenery before you're embracing death in its most gruesome form. It's hard to maintain focus as the environment has as much to offer as the gameplay itself. The seamless transitions from cutscene to action really allows the player to feel engaged in the story. It brings a sense of urgency and anxiousness that reminds me of the kind of suspense that most action-thriller movies dream of. It's hard to say anything bad, as this game did so many things right. Frame rates are impeccable, and every texture is filled in. Try hunting out some glitches or unrendered material and you'll be looking forever. The control scheme is easy to use and offers all the commands required in the midst of an intense fight. The sound and music are an essential piece of the God of War experience, worthy of an Academy Award for best soundtrack. There is nothing better than the sound of a blood-curdling roar after disemboweling a minotaur. Visual effects are incredible, especially during the QTE's (Quick Time Events) at specific points in the story. The story has more than its fair share of gripping moments, moments you'll be replaying several times after you've beaten the game. God of War 3 allows you to experience death and Greek mythology in a truly unforgettable fashion. A fitting end to the series, and a definite must-buy.