Kratos is angry

User Rating: 9 | God of War III PS3
Taking some time off my busy schedule to write this review for a game I thoroughly enjoyed. I'm just kidding I don't got a busy schedule really. Kind of in a lax mode in beating games though.

Sound 24/25
The sound in this game is pretty good. It's actually down right intense and stunning. There was never a time where I wondered why a certain background music was being played. It all sounds intense and dramatic and absolutely fitting to the situation at hand. Never did it once was to loud cutting off the people talking and screen. In fact there was a great balance in the sound. When it was time to talk, the voice acting was stellar and the sounds of death going on behind never was louder than the talking or the music. It was all done very well.

Graphics 23/25
This game looked outstanding. Way ahead of its time it seems. I might have once had a slight screen tear but maybe that was my eyes being unable to handle how well this game looked. The backgrounds and scenery are really well done. The added attention to detail as your backdrop moves along doing its own thing as you proceed to kill is a very nice detail that should be pointed out. Kratos looks more jacked than ever and you can sense his anger just by looking at him. One little attention to detail I did catch was the rain animation falling on to the characters seemed not present. You could not see the rain on the people when it fell on them. Other than that water animation was extraordinary. The attention to detail they put into this game was well done.

Story 20/25
It takes place right after God of War 2 and right off the bat your seen scaling a freaking titan that is going up Mount Olympus. Leave it to God of War to make every moment of this game much epic then the last. You go on to proceed to kill every remaining god that's left and random bosses thrown at you. The story progresses fairly nice, you don't get thrown for a loop as often or at all. The story just takes you along for the ride that is God of War 3. There are some nice touches and Kratos actually develops some relationships along the way. I wasn't that impressed with the story but for God of war it is appropriate.

Gameplay 20/25
The game plays like the older God of Wars with slight additions to how weapons are swapped out. I think magic took a sacrifice for it though because I had no idea how to switch out magic and was too lazy to figure it out. I didn't use magic too much though but it was handy sometimes. The way combos are strung together is pretty much the same with nothing new really except for the weapons. They swap out like quick slots so there easier to access and grabbing enemies at a distance is pretty fun and allow more combos. The puzzles felt nonpresent or pretty easy at times and they point it out for you if god forbid you get stuck. This was all about the action though and it does it well. One aspect I did not like was those silly falling stages where you are either flying up or faling down. The controls for that were kind of stupid and difficult to get used to but they were hardly present and I believe you only go through it three times, so you don't get a real chance to get used to them. I actually had the game glitch on me a few times and it was kind of frustrating. During a boss fight the kill move animation never popped up and then I was able to string up a 600 hit combo without anything happening. Another time I got thrown up into the air and suck on the ledge and the boss had their way with me and it was pretty frustrating because I was stuck on that cheapo boss.

Final Word
Overall I was impressed with God of War 3, It didn't feel that new at all though because it played the same but it definitely looked new with stunning visuals. Will I play it again? Probably not. It was a beastly game that definitely is worth trying. Would I buy it? I'm a little tight on cash but I probably won't buy it. But I did enjoy it.