Kratos is back and in great shape to bring chaos to your PS3.

User Rating: 9.5 | God of War III PS3
God of War 3 is the conclusion to the story line that was started years back on the PS2 with God of War. Santa Monica studios has done a great job in giving the game a very epic feeling.

The following paragraph contains some inforation on the story line. Read at your own risk.

You start where things ended in God of War 2. You're on Gaia's back while she is climbing to the top of mount Olympus. The gods are lining up their defenses and they manage to stop some titans. After an amazing battle with one of Zeus' brothers, you and Gaia reach Zeus. At this point Kratos tries to fight him only to have him and Gaia knocked off mount Olympus. As Gaia tries not to fall, she decides to leave Kratos to his own fate and drops him. And that's when God of War 3 really starts.[/spoiler]

The gameplay mechanics have remained almost the same than those found in the previous 2 games. There are a few new weapons that will allow you to mix things up a bit but not too much.

The graphics in this game are extremely gorgeus. Everything looks fantastic. This is , arguably, the best looking console game of all time. A lot of detail was put to everything, from character models to the environment.

The sound is also one of the game's strength. The voice acting is amazing for every character, specially Kratos and Zeus. The soundtrack also adds to the level of epicness and helps the overall eperience.

So, is this game perfect? No, it isn't. My only concerns with this game is how the story is presented (it is somewhat slow) and the fact that once you're done with the game, there's not too much content to make you come back for more several times.

All in all, God of War 3 is a great title that you shouldn't miss if you liked the previous 2 games or if you're a fan of hack and slash games.