Trust me......You'll not only want to buy this game, but build a small shrine for it!

User Rating: 9.5 | God of War III PS3
A beautiful game that absolutely nobody should miss. This would have to be one of, if not the greatest games I have ever played. However, this game is by no means perfect. I mean the story could have done with some more work and the ending was confusing and somewhat frustrating. On the other hand, the gameplay was astonishing. It was like a mix between Ninja Gaiden and UFC - But even better. Cool, huh? The graphics and music were also amazing. These aspects of the game were obviously thought about a lot.

One of the many things about this game that I particularly liked was the action. Kratos is always doing something, whether it be fighting enemies or solving puzzles. There really are no boring bits. The views were also a highlight for this game, as you don't have to constantly fiddle around with R3 trying to get the best view toward something – the game does it for you!

Basically I could go on and on about the pros of this game, the array of weapons, great boss fights, Aphrodite's chamber!! HA HA....if you buy this game, you'll know what I mean.....actually, she's the daughter of Zeus, so incest? Anyway there are really loads of positives and only a few minor blemishes, so I highly recommend this game, trust me, you won't be disappointed.