GOW3 was the best yet for sheer entertainment. A perfect mix of destruction, boss battles, characters and environments.

User Rating: 9.5 | God of War III PS3
GOW3 is a fun ride the whole way through. The perfect mix of destroying enemies, thrilling boss battles, interacting with characters, and solving puzzles... all set in unparalleled atmosphere. The visuals are some of the best of any game. If you've played the first 2 in the series, much will be familiar. But the story, characters, and gameplay are epic fun. GOW3 is a blast.

My favorite fight sequences were deep in the labyrinth near the end. It's incredibly satisfying the mash combos and take out never-ending swarms of enemies. All of the best creatures are back, including cerberus, minotaur, medusa, sirens and masses of minions for blade fodder.

Boss battles with the Gods were massive but not impossible. New Gods to destroy with great spoils for victory. And the titans are larger than life foes to take down.

The puzzles were the easiest of series, which is fine. What made this game great was the amazing characters that moved the story along from Mount Olympus to Hades.