Awesome game I will likely never finish because it keeps locking up my machine.

User Rating: 5 | God of War III PS3
I got to the Flame of Olympus level which I'm guessing is around 50% thru and the dang game keeps locking up my PS3 when I get near the save point or the door to begin the level. I suppose you could blame my ol fat 60gb PS3 if you want, but WTH! Google's a known issue that this game freezes a lot. I'm definitely glad I rented it.

Other than that, I was enjoying the game a lot.

Some things I didn't like.......

1. The camera angles get stupid sometimes.

2. Some of the platformer jumping with the weak camera angles will annoy some people and will likely induce multiple deaths. It wouldn't be so bad, but everytime you die, expect waiting 10-15 seconds for the level to reload. Extra weak.

If the game worked for you, congratulations! If you're thinking about buying it......well I just wanted to give some of you people a heads up. I'm guessing they won't be fixing it anytime soon since its been out for a long long time.