This game is a steaming pile of crap.
Godai Elemental force.
This game is a game that will make you throw up. It's full of glitches, it has AWFUL controls, it's like R1 to punch, SELECT to change weapons, TRIANGLE to jump, I mean holy crap, what were they thinking! The guys you fight are all stock, guys in purple ninja suits and these weird cannibal things that make this weird noise. The dialouge is stupid and could be thought up by a little kid. I'm serious, its like "you shall not pass" or "we will kill you". The only slightly good thing about this game, is how much you laugh at how pathetic it is, but eventually, you don't laugh, you cry because this game is such a steaming pile of dog crap. I hated this game so much, that i sold it to my local GameCrazy for $0.50, Thats how bad this broken fighting game is. It was published by 3DO,the company that made the gaming system 3DO, which was voted the worst game console of all time by Seriously, I hate this game.
If you see this game, do one of 2 things.
1. Don't buy it.
2. Buy it and destroy it, because this game sucks.