The best way to enjoy this game is to forget about it.
Flash to a couple of days ago when I rediscovered this little treat while cleaning up my apps.
Godville is a game that plays itself. The first thing you do is create a character.
After that you have very little control, as you watch your character stumble around in search of ways to show you how loyal he or she is. Your hero can be persuaded by encouragement and punishment. You can also send your hero to an arena area where they will battle to the last hit point with another gods hero.
All in all, this is a great non-game. It's definitely worth the price of nothing and the space on your touch device. It run very smooth and contains no annoying adds or banners. The community that plays it suggests new phrases for the game and the game is always evolving. Try it out... or rather, create a character and then don't try it out... hide it on your I-Phone and forget about it for a while. When you rediscover it, you'll be glad you did.