TChaivong's Godzila:Destroy All Monsters Melee review.

User Rating: 3.7 | Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee XBOX
Godzilla:Destroy All Monsters Melee This was the worst muiltiplayer fighting game i've ever played.Nothing in this game was new,if this game came out for N64 and PS1 maybe it would of been great.You needed someone to play with you if you wanted to do Destroy mode or melee or the other ones.The only thing for single player was story and Surival mode.Over all that game sucked and I think Godzilla saved the world game coming out wil suck too.The story was stupid to.War of the Monsters is better.Don't rent this or even buy this.If you people dis-agreed then play the game for your self and then lets see if you still disagreed. Fin........