It delivers what it should, but at what cost? Read on...
Let's start with the bad (so the good can wash out the taste): the controls. In short, for charged attacks, you have to hold down the corresponding button in conjunction with the proper motion of the remote and nunchuck. This is how it's SUPPOSED to function, and flatly falls on it's face in this aspect. The constant waggling is strenuous, and necessary, as it's not like Wii Sports where you can sit on the couch and lightly shake it occasionally. No, this game makes you give your arms a total workout, and feels altogether a bit useless for the odd, slow attacks you dish out. Sometimes the attacks are simply not what you entered, or sometimes they end up making your character glitch out. All in all, they make due, but could have had so much more room for improvement.
That's it for the bad, save a few rare glitches. The good: the graphics are, well, Wii, so no more can be expected. It's what you'd expect from a Godzilla game. The physics are pretty good, what with the tossing of buildings into other monsters and what not. There are plenty of characters to quench that fanboy thirst that I have, the roster including three manifestations of the original Godzilla, three Mechagodzillas, and every enemy Godzilla has ever faced (spare King Kong). The cities are varied and each offer a different aspect, which is unexpected and welcomed.
To sum this up, this game is nothing more than "a game". It DOESN'T deserve the score it received, and as previously stated it only provides that sense of ultimate power only a giant lizard could provide.