barbarishly old-school

User Rating: 8 | Golden Axe: Beast Rider X360
The game-play reminds me a little of some of the PS1 and PS2 medieval action titles like the Might and Magic series. The controls are sometimes challenging but not horrible. Picking off the right enemies with ranged attacks and then followed by any combination of hack and slash works best when you don't have a beast. Evade followed by a counter is easy but blocking attacks has to be timed. I had fun trampling enemies while on top the different beasts but you will easily be surrounded and knocked off if you sit still.

If you like the gritty goriness of Viking you'll probably like this game. The game isn't perfect but I wouldn't give it a low score either. This game goes back to the days when video games told a story of dark mindless murder that demands retribution and revenge. Any combination of buttons will do the job in this game as long as they are mashed enough times. I like the game's simplicity as well as it's dark themes.