Who needs multi-player when you get to control a female Conan with magic?
While the multi-player element of Golden Axe is what carried the series before this game, I do not lament SEGA's decision not to include that aspect in this game. It works rather well as a single player campaign, and because it is a single player campaign, Tyris is not confined to one weapon. Recall in the old games how the dwarf could only use a single axe, the woman could only use a single sword, and the man could only use a single two handed sword. In this new game Tyris wields a number of swords and the actual Golden Axe.
If there are future games, then SEGA should consider adding the multi-player option, but only if you can turn this option on or off. In my opinion, this game is a success, and worth at least a rental if not a purchase.