A must buy for the Megadrive - Good fun in its day; twice the fun with a friend :)
Even back in the day I remember thinking, this game is a little boring, linear and repetative. Choose from one of the three characters, each with different abilities and then choose your difficulty setting. Move from the left of the screen to the right and kill anything that moves. The 2D backdrop moves behind you has you press on. This means you cannot look ahead and on 2-player you could be hit if stood too close to the edge of the screen.
The GAMEPLAY was okay. Move up, down or sideways to battle then unleash an attack. You need to be inline with your attackee though. You are able to throw the bad guys, wich is cool then you buddy can finish them off. The gameplay was wooden, but I know some people say it was better than the first installment - just think how bad that was. It was very much the same mechanism used in Streets of Rage.
GRAPHICS were fine for 1991. The many shades of green for the lush forest backgrounds and skin tones on your bare flesh heros worked well.
Things often got exciting when a hoard of bad guys would attack. Once over you would just move on. Im sure there was a good story behind the game, but as a kid at the time, I took little notice.
You couldnt save your progress, so each time you picked the game up you'd play on to the usual point and try to get further. Finishing the game had no big rewards. For a beat-em-up platform game I chose Streets of Rage; had I wanted to fight my mates I would pop in my copy of Street Fighter.