A lone Californian's take.
User Rating: 7.1 | Golden Gate PC
Honestly, I picked this game up in the bargain bin of an obscure little gaming store in an obscure little town in Michigan. Why? I was feeling homesick. Now, I've played (and torn my hair out playing) Myst and this game is quite similar in some respects, such as puzzle solving (not nearly as obscure), point and click slide show animation (based entirely on photographed-then-watercolored photos of Bay Area locations), and a strange, but entertaining story. The graphics are, well, wonderful for 1996, and quite unique in the fact that they took photographs, painted watercolors over them, then digitalized them. Entirely real locations with additional painted bits. It gives the game style. The sound is minimal at best, and throughout the game your given a vaguely disquieting sense that aside from an occasional creaky boat, or gibbering seagull, you are the only person wandering the city. It's a great effect, but most likely unintentional. All in all, it's a fun game to blow some time on, and if you find a copy in the bargain bin, it's well worth the few bucks it might cost you. Of course, the main reason for my recommendation: This game made me want to visit Angel Island. That's quite a feat in and of itself.