Although it's taken a while, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn was a great experience, and I hope for a squel.
This game to go along with this games compelling story, are the graphics. These graphics are some of the best on the DS and having the 3D element of the DS meant that it went above and beyond the previous GBA games. Some moments like on the bridge at the start and the eclipse were just a few graphic masterpieces. Another Improvement on the original games is that the story is easier to follow, and travelling to the right area is simple with the travel log, because I know I got lost in the original's (especially the lost age).
One thing I didn't like though was the difficulty curve at the ed. *SPOILER ALERT*. This was because I had breezed through the game and missed some weapons and Dijin so I wasn't prepared for the final boss which was exceptionally harder than all other bosses. I know that it is expected that the final boss is hard but honestly this was too much.
All in all this is a great game with at least 15-20 hours of game play to keep you busy and has made major improvements from the last. This is definitely a RPG worth playing.