An awsome sequel to a great classical RPG game.

User Rating: 9.4 | Ougon no Taiyou: Ushinawareshi Toki GBA
This game's systems aren't different from it's prequel, just a few new things added in. It's a classic style RPG game, so if you like playing those old RPGs like Final Fantasy and such, you'll love this game. If you have played the first Golden Sun game (which you should before playing this game), there won't be anything new to learn in a while. Same format, same battle system, same old RPG style game. Though there are new things in here. For one, the very fist thing you'll notice, you are using a new party. It consists of Felix, who was your foe in GS1, Jenna, who you were trying to rescue, Sheba, who you as well were trying to rescue, and Pier, who you will meet later in the game. Also, the Djinn are new, and there's more. More summons, more psynergy attacks, more weapons, and more. Also, on the first GS game, you were trying to stop the lighting of the four towers. Now you're trying to complete the lighting of the four towers (2 in GS1, 2 in this game). Also, you get to explore more land, go on more continents, and that just means more adventure. You also have new foes, new enemies, new bosses. So even though this game uses the exact same format from the last game, they added lots of new stuff in there and put in more adventure.

Remember, when it comes to formats, the game is very similar to GS1. So the gameplay is basically the same, just longer, more stuff to do, and harder. The graphics are the same, nothing new there too, still great. They did put in lots of new music in there, and some if that music was spectacular. The sound effects aren't really much different, still great. Not too much new stuff. If you want a little bit more detail, read my GS1 review.

As mentioned earlier, there is much more exploring to in this game, meaning that this is a longer game. So it won't take you only a day or two to complete this game. Plus with extra summons to find and such, this game will keep you playing for a while. If you really like this classic RPG style, then you won't get bored from this game so soon. If you've played GS1 and thought that there was a lot of exploring, then you should really play this game. That feeling of adventure was present in GS1, but even more so in this game.

This game is very similar to it's prequel, but by adding a lot of stuff in there and having much more to explore really does make this game a great sequel. So if you like old style RPGs, than you'll like the GS series. Though remember, first play GS1 if you haven't already before playing this game. It's not an absolute need, but it really does help. If you like GS1, then definetly get this game.