It's not a game, it's a piece of art

User Rating: 9.7 | Ougon no Taiyou: Ushinawareshi Toki GBA
Let's get some basic facts out of the way. Golden sun has one of the best technical visuals and diverse soundtracks to ever hit the game boy advance. Golden sun is one of the longest rpg's for the gba with its immense story line. That having been said, there is a lot of text in the game that may or may not appeal to the gamer. At times, I can see the text irritating a gamer who wants to dive into the puzzles and battles. But it is also a strong aspect of the game for those who are very inclined to the storyline. Little bits of information regarding the plot can be pieced together from interrogating the local villagers and shamelessly mindreading them. It adds a lot to the story and really brings the game to life. The only weakness to the game are the battles, because fights are generally too simple. Overworld fights are boring after a while and the enemies are recolored, adding to the sense that you have been through this a thousand times already. This aspect of the game is brightened up by the fact that boss battles are fun, that you can have different party arrangements, that there are cool animations and refreshing music that does not get annoying. I recommend this game to people who are wary of the rpg genre because this game will hook you right in. It is one of the if not best games for the GBA. Similar rpgs like lunar legend and breath of fire cannot touch it. After you play this, those games will look like crap, their storyline will smell like crap and their music will sound like... you get the idea.