Golden Sun is one of the best RPGs that Game Boy Advance carries, even after 5 years.

User Rating: 9.1 | Golden Sun GBA
I just picked up my Golden Sun game again, and I gained appreciation for this fine game all over again. Even after spending 4 years on the shelf, this game did not fail to entertain me with its broad scope and replay value. The graphics, reminiscent of Super Nintendo games such as LoZ Link to the Past, boast excellent detail for a handheld and are fun to look at, especially the spell animations in battle scenes. Likewise the sound track is enjoyable and though a bit repetitive still manages to charm one after 10 or more hours. The replay value is moderate. The game’s allure has led me to play this game three complete times and I am on my fourth play-through. However the conversations lack any variability due to a tightly scripted plot. I did have fun however in completing all the side quests that I skipped the first time. I had no idea that you could save that kid at the barricade. With a learning curve of less than half an hour, an easy battle system, plenty of variability in class system, and challenging puzzles, game play is very engaging. Overall I have to say Golden Sun is one of the best RPGs Nintendo has boasted, and second only to its successor, Golden Sun: The Lost Age.