A beautiful, epic masterpiece that will intrigue you from the very start.

User Rating: 9.4 | Golden Sun GBA
Golden Sun is a truly amazing game. Its vast landscapes and detailed background, along with its finely textured graphics (that surpass some of the Nintendo DS games i have played,) draw you in to an atmosphere that you will never want to leave.

The two main sections of this game (as with any RPG really) is the battling and the exploring. Battling is excellent as It consist of you having to use your logic to land attacks as well as keep your team alive. There are literally HUNDREDS of magical spells that are at your command, each with a cool little cut scene. You can also summon monsters to attack for you. Some of the cut scene for those are absolutely breathtaking. The only downfall in this category is the increased random encounter rate for running into enemies, which isn't a problem if you like to level up alot. The exploring section of the game Is also great. alot of it is based around you having to use magic in order for you to solve a puzzle. The environments are crisp and memorable and leave you in awe. The graphics are perfect. There is not one GBA game that has better graphics than this game (other than the sequel.) They truly are excellent, every sprite and background fit perfectly into the atmosphere the game gives off.

The sound is also one of the best things about his game. Some of the pieces of music are truly beautiful, making you want to stand still until the song loops. The sounds matches the environment or situation perfectly.

The game is long, very long, for a GBA game, and its even longer when you play the second game (which is a direct continuation of the game.) All together with just this game, you will finish the main story in about 20 hours. Along side with the second game will take you around 50 hours to complete.

Altogether this is a superb game, in some what underrated, but only because of the amount of other RPG's it is competing with. Any RPG fan, nay, Anyone who has a slight interest in this game should try it out for themselves, you shan't be disappointed.