If you love RPG and you have a GBA buy this game!
The story talk about Isaac and Garet,two adventurers of a little town.In a Night,A huge storm start and Isaac,Garet and Jean must go to temple of the village to take the four magic orb of element Mars (Fire),Venus (Earth),Jupiter (Wind) and Mercure (Water).But some ennemy stole them 3 orb and kidnapped Jean.After that Isaac and Garet must travel the world to find those ennemy and save Jean.In all of the story you will encounter many Boss and Friends to join youre party.You have 4 Dijiin (Kind of Summon) like the orb Fire,Water,Earth and wind and more you will have Dijiin of the same element more you will have a stronger Summon (Lv.4 max).The gameplay is good it's like Final Fantasy X,You have many Weapons and Armor and some secret and special.You can use magic power to fight ennemy and use them in different place (Ex:In a shadow you can cast a spell to make you invisible,In overcumbred room you can cast a spell to see some hided items,etc....).You can fight against friend with GBA cabe link.
The game is very very good for a GBA game,A little bit old but good.This game is about 12 to 16 hours of gameplay.