James bond Wii brings alot of fun home online and single player. I never had so much fun playing a wii shooter. Although it does remind me a little bit of mordern warefare 2 it still has its originality. In my opinion have this game was released on xbox or ps3 the fans would've rated it 10s it is that good. Also a well good feature is using the wii gun on some missions it becomes like-life. Multiplayer always have you on your feet fighting for more and the classic stages even looks good. They has good weapons,tactics,and style. The level up system is awesome on it.As for the stealth, it still has it people who talking about it doesn't has it, they just review just to trash it cause its a good wii shooter.Over all its easy to get into its a solid shooter and you can pick it up and play If your playing with 4 friends in multiplayer or even online with 8 people team or in singles. The game might be different at first but after 30 minutes of it you get the idea of what it is. That was my opinion of James Bond 007 Goldeneye.
The original GoldenEye redefined first-person shooters. This remake isn't quite as revolutionary but it's definitely an awesome shooter with tons of nostalgia for fans of the original. Lets get some of the negatives o... Read Full Review
If you had the same reaction as I did when I first heard the announcement of a reimagining of the N64 favorite Goldeneye then you most likely felt excitement with a side of fear. I found myself looking forward to relivi... Read Full Review