Can hold its own on single player, But The multi-player is where it shines, It is the single most addictive multi-player game I have ever played, Though it lacks originality i feel it has a solid foundation with a few bumps in it, if your a fps or James bond fan this is a MUST-HAVE! Also The story line is pretty good, well except for the ending, it was a bit sad to me, still wont keep me from coming back for more, all in all, between the single and multi-player, it has at least 30+ hours of gameplay. All in all an awesome addition to the wii sad roster of fps, maybe we should have a sequel? Anyone feel like bringing multi-player back to its root? YES PLEASE! oh and the game needs more cheats, Thats just sad that activision is being cheap with the codes, will just have to wait to see if they have more for us to enjoy.
The original GoldenEye redefined first-person shooters. This remake isn't quite as revolutionary but it's definitely an awesome shooter with tons of nostalgia for fans of the original. Lets get some of the negatives o... Read Full Review
If you had the same reaction as I did when I first heard the announcement of a reimagining of the N64 favorite Goldeneye then you most likely felt excitement with a side of fear. I found myself looking forward to relivi... Read Full Review