the MUST have for all the wii owners...

User Rating: 9.5 | GoldenEye 007 WII
some people expect with a wii FPS, graphics xbox-like. Thats a mistake, you have to see a wii game like a wii game and not against gears of war. With that line, Goldeneye is a great great game, with a campaign just rigth; it could be a little bit longer but the multiplayer make you forgot about that.
If you have the limited edition you would kick ass with the classic conflict mode and the classic franchise characters.
The game have a more immersive experience using the classic control for the wii, allowing you a better movement and aming.
Theres no doubt that this game is to this day the better multiplayer FPS for the nintendo console, being a little more arcade and fun that the call of duty series on the wii.
Two tumbs up for the Activision team! Only thing to wait is not to blow it in the future with innecesary sequels or dulls expansion packs o that kind of things!
Buy it! buy it! buy it!