I bought this game for nestalgia and it was everything I wanted and more.

User Rating: 9 | GoldenEye 007 WII
As I said above I bought this game because I was a huge fan of the original, and I knew I just had to have this game if it was anywhere close to as good as the first. I am not in college anymore, so lets face it I won't be able to pull together a bunch of multiplayer offline tournaments to see who reigns supreme, but the online multiplayer is as good or better than offline ever was. I have not been a fan of online multiplayer games in the past, because once its been out for a while, if you buy the game you will be way behind the learning curve. I think it is probably still true for Goldeneye, but since I got this a couple weeks after release, I will be able to hang with the curve.

I haven't yet finished the single player game, but so far the online play is just too much fun to waste time with the single player... I guess I can finish it if I ever get bored of the online play.

Only reason it didn't get a 10 from me was that none of the original maps where included and you don't have weapon caches or armor lying around in the multiplayer. The multiplayer goes off of a experience earns you weapons and gadgets/attachments, with which you can create your own load out for your level character. I like this system because it makes you want to continue competing to unlock more rewards. But, I do wish there was a mode letting you play with the original feel with the armor and weapon caches.