Awesome game

User Rating: 9.5 | GoldenEye 007 WII
This is probably the best Wii game ever!!! The campaign is a nice length and the controls are great. The controls are great with the Classic controller butthe wii remote and nunchuck are not as good because aiming is hard. Multiplyer online is the best. The maps are all nice and you can unlock guns, attachments, and a lot of other stuff. The campaign is interesting. Locations range from jungles to memorials. Locations from the campaign are the maps in multiplayer. Multiplayer modes are Team conflict, Conflict, Goldengun, Black Box, GOldeneye, and Heroes. Goldengun, team conflict, and conflict are the only good mades though. Conflict is basically free for all.Team Conflict is team deathmatch and in goldengun, you are searching for a goldengun and if you get it, its a one shot one kill but after one shot you have to reload. This might be my favorite mode out of all the modes. I highly recommend this game. This is a must buy. If you dont buy this game, you are totally missing out.