This apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

User Rating: 8.5 | GoldenEye 007 WII
When the Nintendo 64 came out it was the greatest system at its time. Goldeneye for the 64 was another one of those games that defined the greatness of the system. With fun gameplay, awesome multiplayer, and its replay ability it was a really great game. This game is why I still have my 64 to date and it is a game that is priceless in my opinion.

Now when I heard they were doing a remake I could assure you that I was going crazy happy all over the place. But then I thought, with how FPS are being made now a days I should expect some kind of disappointment. In this case it passed some expectations of mine!

The game play is somewhat reminiscent to the old goldeneye with some new tweaks....
First, it has a new stealth system that adds a bit of interest, when you are spotted you then have a whole bunch of other guys coming at you and you can go all out from there.

Second, it has some cool melee takedowns that make it better. Instead of simply melee them with the gun you can do all these different special melee moves. For example, if a guy is over a rail you can sneak up and punch him and then throw him over. Or you can do a grappling move and take them down to finish them with a punch. There is different amount of moves you can do and it adds variety to the combat.

And last for the multiplayer. When you fight against friends that on splitscreen it really isn't that special and it kinda gets boring after a while. You really can't fully customize your weapons and there isn't any weapons lying around like in the old one so it can get repetitive. The online multiplayer on the other hand is lots of fun. You have somewhat of an RPG going on. For every kill you get XP which can level you up. The more you level up, the better weapons and stuff you can get to customize for more online matches.

Overall you can expect a lot of things different from the old one but it's still lots of fun.