Excelente this is one of the best games ever created for the nintendo 64

User Rating: 9.8 | GoldenEye 007 N64
this is whit out a doubt one of the best games of the nintendo 64 it has action, drama, romance xD yes it has that if you beat the cradle (or something like that) mission you'll see what i mean xD:
game play:
well it took me about 20 minuts to got the hang of it but after that it was a peace of cake, well almost i got kill a couple of times... most of the times xD
sound: i believe that it has some of the best shoots fire sound in a game and some of the best screams too... ahh uhh ahhhhhhh xD when you crash someone whit the tank ohhh man that's funny xD...
video: well yes it does not have the best video but hey i bet you don't mind that do you?? well i'll tell you what i don't mind that at all...