For all things holy, if you haven't played this game then do so now, I command you do it!
Someone has stolen a secret weapon, code named Goldeneye and it’s now up to you to don on your best suit, dose up that charm and head into action as 007, you will have a licence to kill. You start off in similar James Bond fashion, finding yourself in a tight spot with only your trusty pistol and a handful of gadgets to get you out of trouble. The game follows the film really well and if you have seen it then the levels will come of no surprise and many of them will have you remembering some of the scenes that you enjoyed.
The game controls perfectly and you’ll find yourself bursting around corners, reloading and switching weapons all with relative ease, which is ideal as there are times in the game that don’t leave much time to think, this is especially so in the multiplayer aspect of the game. The graphics work really well and you will have no problem identifying locations in the game to those on the big screen. They’ll be what you would expect from an Nintendo 64 title and while the graphics do look rather dated today that shouldn’t take anything away from the game.
Sound is good and I especially liked the effects, particularly those of the guns. Nothing can beat the sound of your two RCP 950’s blasting your best mate just as he walks through the door only for you to hear the sound of explosions as he detonates his remote mines, excellent stuff. The guns all sound different enough and if you get hooked on the game, which you may, you’ll be able to identify them through sound alone. Everything else about the sound is top notch and right from the intro all the Bond style music is present giving it that authentic feel.
Don’t get me wrong, the single player missions are great, but the multiplayer mode goes one step further. With plenty of multiplayer modes on offer, which include all the usual such as everyone for themselves, teams and so on. Capture the flag is also present should you wish to try something different than the regular Deathmatch. If you like having your friends around for a gaming session then this game has to be on your play list, after one round you’ll soon be pumping and wanting more. It’s fast paced, fun, exciting and is one all round solid performance.
I think the greatest thing about the game is that the replay value is huge. Even if you fly through the missions the multiplayer has so much going for it that you and your friends will be hooked and you’ll find yourself going back for another round on facility three months down the line. It’s still a masterpiece and in my eyes one of the finest console first person shooters developed to date. It may not have stood the test of time graphically but don’t let that take anything away from the game, it simply is fantastic. If you can put up with outdated graphics, which could be a lot worse then give the game a go, you won’t regret it. One of the finest games to grace the Nintendo 64.