The greatest N64 game?
For its time the graphics weren't groundbreaking or bad just regular, how every game on the system looked, which was not really a concern for people playing the game. Sound, nice, that it has more than ten samples of gun fire and death (shooting people.)
Controlling Mr. Bond was incredibly easy and fun in this game, moreso than any other 007 game ever and since, using the four directional buttons on the right-side of the controller let you use nice advantages against your enemies, poping in and out of corners picking off all in your way. As for trying this with your friends...tricky if they were every to the same skill level as you were with the game.
Multiplayer features were monumental for the time, rather than giving you a versus mode and a selection of levels Goldeneye gave you more modes of gameplay, up to 4-players as well, which was revolutionary for its time with consoles. The multiplayer levels were changed around a bit, some making you feel a bit cramped, but with enough hidden areas to discover, making you the successor if no one else knew your location (everyone hates a sniper.)
Overall, this is in my opinion the greatest game for the N64, period. LoZ: OoT take the backseat for this game.
If you still own a N64 and never owned or played this game, go to any and every game store you can and try to find a copy, you'll be greatful you did.