i give it a 15 out of 10

User Rating: 10 | GoldenEye 007 N64
this game is a instnat clasic the only reason u might not like it and i think its because u didnt have friends to paly it with and only played 1 player but then again 1 palyer was also really good so wat wrong with u people giving it a 7 and lower or a little higher then 7 u guys dont no wat a good game is zelda and 007 wer the only reason why nintendo made gamecube now gamecube is really wack

skgl; jsfklhgfslh ilsfjakhjfskjhklsfjkl hjksfj hkjsfk hfjks hksfj hkfjs hjsf khjfskhj ksfjhk sfjkh kfsj hksf ksfj khjsfkjh kfjhksfj hkj sfhkjkjsfkhjsfkl hjksfjhk sfjhk sfjhkljfskhjsfklhj kfshjkfsjhkfjkhjsfklhjsfkljh sfkjhsfk